Grindhouse Tut-Tut Watch

I’d been looking forward to film critic Dana Stevens’s review of Tarantino & Rodriguez’s Grindhouse, assuming it’d be just as humorless, myopic and all but parodically p.c. as her reviews of every other genre movie ever. Imagine my disappointment when her take on the flick didn’t even register on the joyless-scoldometer. She actually kind of liked it!

But don’t worry. In an essay straight from the log of Captain Obvious, Stevens’s Slate-mate Grady Hendrix is bringing killjoy back, telling us all that grindhouse movies weren’t actually very good. (No, really?) While he’s at it he attacks Tarantino for being a closet bourgeois (an oldie but goodie) and works in a factual error about Mariah Carey’s movie career to boot.

Have fun, suckers!