Burning down the House

Oh dear.

Well, I suppose we could have seen this coming. It’s a massively long movie, meaning most theatres I checked could fit in no more than four screenings a day even for the people who’d want to sit for a three-plus-hour movie, and that’s a comparatively rare breed these days. And it’s not like they’re gonna put it on multiple screens to offset that–this isn’t The Return of the King we’re talking about here. Even as a horror film, it’s kind of been marketed to a niche within a niche. All the horror buffs I know were stoked as hell about it, but based on the ad campaign, would the hoi polloi even know if it’s supposed to be scary? Hell, is it supposed to be scary?

That being said, it’s inspired some hella fun posts around the horror and film blogospheres, my favorite being the bitchin’ Horror Roundtable for last week, which asked participants to name their ideal grindhouse programming line-ups. I kinda cheated…