We lost

Spain sent a message to terrorists today, and the message was “we give up.” The message is “you were right.” The message is “you win.”

Pre-election bombings in other countries (including our own), already likely, are now a virtual certainty. And why shouldn’t they be? Spain’s Socialists and their supporters have taught al Qaeda that murdering 200 commuters for no reason is perfectly viable campaign strategy.

The Spain debacle is easily the biggest setback to the free world since the War on Terror began, and I feel worse about it than I can remember feeling about anything since that awful autumn. It truly is a disaster–not just for the local- and geo-political ramifications, mind you, but (it bears repeating) because this virtually guarantees that many many more people will be killed in countries across the globe whenever an election is in the offing.

ADDTF reader George writes in to lament the lack of attention being paid to these issues here in America. Of course, the reason it’s not being made a bigger deal of in this country is because the people responsible for making things a big deal, the major news media, think that voting the PP out of office was an eminently sensible response to being attacked by terrorists–a dress rehearsal, if you will, for November 2004 here in the good old U.S. of A.

Not good. Not good at all.

Meanwhile, as a commenter points out here, a major Western nation has just been defeated by an army of approximately one dozen people.

Europe is gone.