On the same page

Yesterday we discussed the notion, insisted upon by various and sundry antiwar pundits, that the Spanish election didn’t really have anything to do with a cowed electorate repudiating the fight against terrorism and turning toward appeasement. But dammit, if it keeps turning out that the Spaniards themselves failed to get that memo, as this Washington Post article suggests, we may have to revise that particular theory.

UPDATE: Oh, dear–did anyone get the memo? The bien pensants at the Guardian sure didn’t. I mean, take a look at this editorial–saying that hunting down the Madrid terrorists probably wouldn’t solve anything, repeating already-debunked claims of the fake-turkey variety about Bush’s ad campaign, declaring that we must move past the simplistic notion that terrorists are bad guys, calling a national allegiance to its own constitution a partisan political ploy, calling for a dialogue in which the democracies of the West and the thugocracies of Islam are equal partners, and throwing in some truly gratuitous and breathtaking Jew-baiting moral equivalency to boot. (Link courtesy of Steven Den Beste.) People, people–you’re off message!

No, you know what? The glib act can only get me so far. Disgusting fifth-column appeasement of the type the Guardian and its fellow travelers are now embracing–encouraged, wouldn’t you know it, by those Spanish election results that are supposed not to mean what we hawks think they mean–needs to be called out directly. Appeasers, Jew-baiters, America-bashers, liars, fascism apologists, moral equivocators, quislings, I’m calling you out. I will not stand for Paz In Our Time.
