The fork in the road

President Bush is lobbying to alter the Constitution to discriminate against gay people (“gay,” incidentally, being a term he cannot even bring himself to utter).

Andrew Sullivan tears this shameful assault on equality and civil rights apart, as well he should. I, for one, can no longer in good conscience vote to reelect this man.

Which is a problem.

A cursory glance at the last few days of posts by Charles Johnson is ample evidence, in my view, that we are indeed at war for the future of human civilization. Those who insist that we are not–to say nothing of those who think we are, and that we deserve to lose–will see the defeat of President Bush as a vindication of their policies. And I firmly believe that a vindication of their policies will lead us down the road to unprecedented disaster. Even a candidate like the appealing John Edwards, who has refused to tap into the self-defeating head-in-the-sand rage that was Howard Dean’s and is now John Kerry’s stock in trade (honestly in the first case, opportunistically in the second), will be viewed as a savior by the Michael Moores and the Noam Chomskys and the Ted Ralls and the Eric Altermans and the Atrioses and everyone else who thinks that the real catastrophe was not what was done to America on 9/11, but what America has done since.

Our enemies are watching, and waiting, and hoping. What now will they see this November? And what choices do we have of what to show them?