From Rich Johnston’s column today:
I’m hearing rumours from the comics stratosphere (different to the ‘blogosphere’, as it’s higher up and actually makes a difference)…
I’m sure this harsh assessment of comics bloggers has nothing to do with the fact that, a couple of weeks ago, a comics blogger very publicly stole the thunder from the Great Big Announcement that Rich has been lording over everyone for week after endless, tedious, mind-numbingly repetitive week. No sir, nothing at all.
And I’m sure he would have written all that business about said Great Big Announcement being “the worst kept secret in comics” if he’d gotten to make the announcement himself as planned. And as advertised, in his own column, as recently as two weeks ago.
Yeah. Sure.
(Actually, Rich Johnston is one of the best comics journalists (yeah, that’s what I said) around. I impatiently reload CBR to get a look at his new column each Monday–it’s genuine appointment reading. But making fun of the comics blogosphere? So 2003, chief.)