Avengers Uber Alles

Eric Spratling just kills with this hysterical beatdown of the astoundingly ham-fisted anti-Bush political commentary in recent issues of Avengers, which Spratling calls “a MoveOn.org ad in disguise.” The straw-man arguments and de rigeur Nazi comparisons the book makes–about everything from 9/11 to Iraq to AIDS–are so fantastically simplistic that you literally won’t believe a grown-up wrote them. (Unless, of course, you’ve read the political commentary of seemingly every other “grown-up” in the industry, in which case this will just seem par for the course.)

I suppose one could make a joke here along the lines of “this is what you get for ever thinking ‘Geoff Johns was a great writer, a wonderful writer, the kind who was doing all he could to [bring] a kind of joy and fun (though tempered with appropriate seriousness) back to mainstream comics,'” but far be it from me to do that.