Two brouhahas reduxhahas

The comicsphere is getting esoteric all of a sudden. We’ve moved on from Tony Isabella and The Comics Pimp to trying to determine whether or not blogs and comics both actually suck.

My two cents on both topics can be found here and here, along with some links; and more folks are jumping into the fray.

Defending Blogs, we find D. Emerson Eddy and Rick Geerling. D. opts against the simple defense I offered–that good blogs are, in fact, quite good indeed–and instead argues that the mere fact that blogs are a means by which people can express themselves, for good or for ill, makes them worthwhile; Rick brings it back down to earth by recounting how the blogosphere lacks the idiotic initiation rituals and name-calling atmosphere of message boards and such.

On the “Sick of Comics” front, there’s Rick again, saying that the last few months have been a dry spell for him but that these things are cyclical; Ron Phillips, pinning his disillusionment on the fact that they don’t make comics shops like they used to; and Alan David Doane, pointing out that you know what? this has been a good year for comics, at least in the alternative arena.

I tend to be optimistic about these kinds of things, but then I’m also optimistic about the new Matrix movie, so take that for whatever you think it’s worth.