
Interesting people say fascinating things every day!

My recent post on eating disorders and the necessity of expressing negative emotions generated thoughtful responses from Eve Tushnet and a fan of fine sketch comedy known only as Eileen. Apparently, it’s not just ED sufferers who are subjected to the “positivity at any price” mentality of well-meaning family and friends.

And as always, if you want to hear about ED straight from the horse’s mouth, go to my wife’s blogs here and here.

Johnny Bacardi is a good sport. And Sean Phillips has no abler defender.

Johnny’s also got some astute observations on how good semi-forgotten Beatles songs like “Fixing a Hole” and “Within You Without You” are. Also, Johnny: yes, there is.

Big Sunny D recaps the Big Day Out @ Glasgow rock festival. In so doing he rightly decries the nonstop barrage of sexist nonsense flung by the audience at PJ Harvey, a rock and roll animal if ever there was one and a woman who, if this crazy world made any sense whatsoever, would be a fucking superstar by now. He’s a little hard on Queens of the Stone Age and the pre-Californication/non-ballad output of the Red Hot Chili Peppers for my taste, but hey.

Kudos to James Taranto for calling a spade a spade and labelling a soon-to-be-executed anti-abortion murderer a terrorist, which, of course, he is. (You have to scroll down for the item.) This is not to say, of course, that “the Bible-thumpers are just as bad as al Qaeda and Hamas” or any such twaddle. When Justice Ray Moore has his minions hijack some commuter planes and ram them into the Sears Tower, we’ll talk.

For some reason I don’t really read James Lileks every day anymore. But boy, am I glad I read him today.

Finally, I’ve owned it for over a week now, and I still haven’t finished watching the Two Towers DVD. I’m right up to the start of the battle–seriously, the orcs have just stopped marching. I’ve been working late and when I do get home I’ve got spend a few hours cleaning up the apartment (it simply won’t do to have the Missus come home to an apartment that hasn’t been cleaned following three weeks of me as its sole inhabitant, believe me), but as God is my witness I’m going to get some sandwiches from Peanut Butter & Co., drink some beers, and watch me some uruk-killin’ tonight.