Real life

Some of you may not come here for either the comics or the politics (or the music or the movies or the obscenity-laden rants about commercials). You might be a friend of mine who comes here to read about what’s going on in the life of Sean T. Well, long story short, my wife is being hospitalized for anorexia.

She’s doing okay about this, I guess. Obviously she never thought things would get this bad, as cliched as that sounds, so she’s ready and willing and able to get better. But I think the diagnosis, and the severity of the treatment, has shocked her quite a bit. Me, I’m sad she’ll be gone for so long (three weeks), but happy she’ll be getting the attention and treatment she needs. If nothing else, she’ll have a little free time everyday to reread Blankets for the umpteenth time.

If the situation permits, she’ll be blogging through her stay at the treatment facility: Expect her to be candid on this one and funny on this one (though the two blogs do not have a mutually exclusive hold on those qualities). You can also email her your well wishes at lucyhoney23 *at* yahoo *dot* com.

So please bear with me if blogging is occasionally sporadic throughout the next month or so–I’ll be driving to and from the center, which is about two and a half hours away, quite a bit. But we firmly believe that you can’t keep a big bad anorexic and her geeky husband down, so you’ll be hearing from us, back to our old selves, in no time.