Beating the clock

Methinks my big WizardWorld wrapup will have to wait till Tuesday night at the earliest, since the Missus and I will be driving back home till then and you’ve got less time at these hotel business centers than Angelina Jolie did to catch her breath at ComicCon. The nutshell version till I can expand on it a bit: It was the best of cons, it was the worst of cons.

Here’s a quick NerdNews update from the last day of the con:

* Captain America will be taken away from Chuck Austen (who, as Dirk Deppey points out today (no time for a link–click on the blogroll!) and as I’ve pointed out many times, is at his best when he’s at his sleaziest, and his Cap run is snoozy, not sleazy) and given to writer Bob Morales (of Truth fame–or in fanboy eyes, infamy) and artist Chris Bachalo (whose weird work currently graces the pages of New X-Men). It’s great to see Marvel reward the author of a quality book that didn’t sell, ignoring the latter and paying attention to the former.

* For those who care, Mark Waid and Joe Quesada promised more Mark Waid Fantastic Four work in the future. The Marvel Meltdown theory takes another hit in the gut with that little fence-mending announcement.

* Letters pages will be back, meaning letterhacks can complain about the cast of X-Force being gone in more than just X-Statix.

See you, everyone!