Your Friendly Neighborhood Holocaust-Denying Palestinian Prime Minister

President Bush met today with Abu Mazen Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Prime Minister and Holocaust expert. Why “Holocaust expert”? Because anyone who asserts, as Mazen Abbas does, that the Jewish body count was exaggerated, and indeed that Jewish Zionists encouraged and covertly aided what “Holocaust” there was so as to shore up sympathy for the creation of a Jewish state upon the war’s end, is obviously privy to information I’ve never come across. (Link courtesy of LGF.)

I certainly support the cessation and dismantling of Israeli settelements on Palestinian land–the settlers seem like precisely the kind of religious fanatics we’d all be better off without. I wouldn’t mind seeing Ariel Sharon get the boot, as he seems to be a clumsy idiot unable to formulate any kind of coherent policy towards the Palestinians. And I also support the eventual creation of a sovereign Palestinian state, provided the society living in said state emerges from its current nightmarish murderous anti-Semitic death-cult theocratic fascist configuration. And I wholeheartedly support putting the kibosh on the loathsome, ineffectual, corrupt liar and murderer Yassir Arafat. But just because Abbas isn’t quite as bad as Arafat doesn’t mean he isn’t also a scumbag of the first order. The fact that he has yet to renounce his ludicrous attempt to blame Jews for the Holocaust (I’m sorry, “Holocaust”) shows that maybe he isn’t quite the Partner In Peace we’re all hoping for.