So, here it is: Blog About Iran Day, and I find myself with little to say. Except this:
If you run a country, and you put gigantic portraits and statues of yourself throughout that country, YOU WILL FALL.
If you run a country, and your political platform invokes the terms “hate” or “death,” YOU WILL FALL.
If you run a country, and you treat women like cattle, YOU WILL FALL.
If you run a country, and you operate under the assumption that God wants you to kill civilians, YOU WILL FALL.
If you run a country, and you believe you are in possession of The Truth, and that that Truth is so important that you are allowed to imprison, torture, and murder those who don’t share belief in that Truth, YOU WILL FALL.
If you run a country, and your main goal is to fight like hell to keep that country from having anything remotely resembling a healthy, happy, free future, YOU WILL FALL.
This I believe.
For more information on Iran, including the threatened Tiannemen Square-style massacre of studetns that the government has promised in order to quash planned demonstrations today, please visit Jeff Jarvis.