Items of note

Here amongst the All Too Flat Family, there’s a new installment of ADDTF’s sister blog, Autobiographically Too Flat. Kennyb talks about art galleries, AC adapters, and Scrabble, but you should read it anyway.

Thanks to someone I can’t remember, I discovered this site, dedicated to counting down the days (the endless, endless days) between now and the release of The Return of the King. Each day there’s a new Tolkien quote. Can’t go wrong there.

Kevin Parrott offers a two-part (here and here; part three coming soon), um, analysis of comic-book convention culture. I think a quick read will reveal that there is nothing not to love about comic-book conventions. If you can’t enjoy the literally incredible cross-section of humanity present at these things, I don’t know what to tell you.

Finally, I read the following blind item in today’s Page Six:

Which talent agent who enjoys coke-fueled all-male orgies in his basement dungeon fired his longtime caterer when he learned one of her waiters was HIV-positive?”

…and I just thought it bears repeating that in this business, the description “enjoys coke-fueled all-male orgies in his basement dungeon” couldn’t even begin to narrow down the possibilities of who this guy is.