Fabulous Action Figure Update

A while back I mentioned that my boss’s assortment of action figures could convincingly be the touring company for a Cats revival. Looking around the office now I see that some additions have been made that might offset this somewhat. Butch-as-hell Orion and Darkseid, from Jack Kirby’s New Gods saga, are now here, and so is Batman. Of course, they’re all still in their boxes, instead of out and proud (so to speak) like their fellow figures. And Batman comes in a pack with Robin, who I’m pretty sure I saw attempting to teach the Dark Knight the cowboy dance from Madonna’s “Don’t Tell Me” video. But finally, and somewhat disturbingly, there’s an Eminem action figure, who’s been making threatening gestures in Mon-El’s direction. Green Lantern and Cyclops might have to get Stonewall on his ass.