“Boardwalk Empire” thoughts, Season Three, Episode Six: “Ging Gang Goolie”

Last week’s Boardwalk Empire thoughts today!

* That scene in the Legion Hall gave me that Barton Fink feeling. Not the movie Barton Fink, but a play written by the character Barton Fink — stagey, overearnest, and political, yeah, political! What a funny vibe to go for.

* Some marvelously weird framing in this one: Margaret dismissing her guard who can be seen only through a window on the opposite end of the frame; Billie entering her apartment as viewed from some weird angle on the staircase. Because why not?

* For some reason, the enormous height differences between the singing Boy Scouts made me laugh out loud. That whole scene had this off sense of humor — I love the idea of the thoroughly corrupt Harry Doherty protecting his less than useless old Boy Scout buddy at all costs.

* Amazing how gross and disturbing a mere spanking can be now, isn’t it?

* I was just wondering where the DA played by Julianne Nicholson went! Now we know. Glad to see her.

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5 Responses to “Boardwalk Empire” thoughts, Season Three, Episode Six: “Ging Gang Goolie”

  1. zack soto says:

    “you fuckin’ Tomato Can” might be the best insult I’ve ever heard.

  2. Karl Ruben says:

    Looking forward to your thoughts on the latest episode. Contender for best yet, I think; certainly one of the funniest.

    • Posting is impeded somewhat by the hurricane…stay tuned! (Chances are it won’t be as late as this one, though, which I posted DURING the subsequent episode.)

      • Karl Ruben says:

        No worries, I should think surviving and recovering from extreme weather takes precedent over unpaid TV show writeups! Hope you and yours got through Sandy okay, and that the aftermath is going well.

  3. Pingback: “Boardwalk Empire” thoughts index « Attentiondeficitdisorderly by Sean T. Collins

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