I’ll be attending SPX this weekend! Mostly Saturday. I’m hosting the Gilbert Hernandez panel at 2:30pm in the White Oak Room, and my illustrious colleague Colleen Frakes will be selling our comic Here at the End of All Things at table J3, pretty much right when you walk in the door. Please say hello to me! I look like this:

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2 Responses to STC at SPX

  1. jeffk says:

    Be sure to take a look at Theo Ellsworth’s new book there, man. Grabbed my copy at the launch at Bergen Street last night and I can’t stop staring at the pages. I’m not really even at a point where I want to read it yet. Just kind of rolling around in it for now.

  2. Davey Oil says:

    You look a lot like an adorable, smiling baby. Who’s the dork in the glasses?

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