Carnival of souls: Special “noteworthy posts” edition

* There are three things I’ve written recently that have generated some fun discussion so I wanted to make sure to call them all out again, in case you’d like to chip in your two cents:

* On Robot 6 I asked what comics arguments people would like to here more often, in place of the ones we’re all sick of. My suggestion was “Why do superhero comics so dominate the online discussion of comics?” And I’m talking even well-rounded readers/writers who are perfectly capable of talking about other things just as often.

* Also on Robot 6, I asked whether you need to like a character to like the comic about him or her. This stems from Dan Clowes’s Wilson and the focus on the titular jerk’s unlikability. In the comments I start wondering if maybe Wilson’s better seen in the context of comic character-constructions like Laurel & Hardy or Tim & Eric as opposed to your basic fully-fledged well-rounded psychologically complex literary character.

* Finally, here’s a working link to my third post on the Lost finale, which I flubbed yesterday. The discussion is still going strong, which isn’t surprising if the way my own thoughts on the episode fluctuate from day to day and hour to hour is at all indicative of a broader reaction.

* Tom Spurgeon disagrees with Tom Brevoort about the potential risks of the four-dollar monthly comic. Looking at the post in question, I think the Hindenburg comparison is cutting those sentiments a little slack, actually.

* Matt Zoller Seitz and Ali Arikan talk John Williams and his music for the Star Wars prequels, which they consider his masterpiece, with “Duel of the Fates” at the tippy-top. “Duel” is definitely dude at the top of his game decades into his career, if you ask me. To paraphrase Christopher Moltisanti, FUCK Carl Orff, Johnny Williams just took him to composing school.

* Curt Purcell talks Blackest Night again, from its leads to its compartmentalized-by-subgenre structure to its observation of Aristotelian temporal unity.

* Comics, wake up! The call is coming from inside the house! Great line, Heidi.

* Marvel is publishing a comic with this Alan Aldridge image on the cover. Wow.


* ABC is selling official Lost merchandise with these Ty Mattson images on them. Wow.


* It’s only when superhero comics are described by truly disinterested outsiders, as opposed to self-conscious fans or ex-fans, that you realize how truly ridiculous they can be.

* For a second there, I thought Rob Bricken had been replaced by Jason Adams. (Man, that is some Attentiondeficitdisorderly linkblogging inside baseball.)

* Happy 10th Birthday, Boswash!

One Response to Carnival of souls: Special “noteworthy posts” edition

  1. Jason says:

    I think I once felt a twitch of sexual enthusiasm towards Brigitte Nielsen in Red Sonja, but she was so dude-ish in that I don’t really think that counts.

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