Carnival of souls

* Benjamin Marra’s Night Business #3: On Sale Now!

* Jesus, Jordan Crane, Sammy Harkham, and Ted May’s site has added Steven Weissman and will soon add John Porcellino, Gabrielle Bell, John Pham, and Ben Jones? Holla holla, it’s murdaaaa.

* CRwM on Paranormal Activity. Sit back, relax, enjoy.

* AMC has green lit the pilot episode of The Walking Dead. High hopes for this one.

* Zack Soto has a blog and he’s naming his favorite comics of 2009 on it.

* Lost time is almost upon us, and with that in mind I got a lot out of this interview with Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse and this interview with Michael Emerson. The former is sort of a collation of everything they’ve said about the general theory of ending a show–discussion of the Battlestar Galactica and Sopranos conclusions abounds, as does what constitutes a mystery and what constitutes an answer. This bit was particularly welcome as it echoes what I’ve been saying for a long time now regarding developing theories about what’s going on:

But I think the sci-fi distinction you make is an interesting one because, when you talk about the “Sopranos” ending or the last episode of “Seinfeld” or “Friends,” there’s only so many iterations of what can happen. The “Sopranos,” the only thing that people were talking about is, “Is Tony going to live, or is somebody going to kill him?”

With “Lost,” nobody can even guess what the ending is going to be. If you were to have a contest right now saying, “In one paragraph, summarize what you think the last episode of ‘Lost’ might be” — if you say it to 100 people, you will get 100 paragraphs that have nothing to do with each other.

The Emerson interview breaks a whole bunch of news, or at least to me it does. SPOILER ALERT OF THE ‘WHO’S COMING BACK AND WHO’S NOT’ VARIETY: Michael and Libby will be back, Annie won’t (at least as far into the season as Emerson has gotten). END SPOILERS And this struck me as mighty promising:

I feel great curiosity, because from what I’ve shot up to this point, I don’t see any end in sight. The storyline is continuing to expand instead of contract. It’s grown more fragmented, rather than becoming more unified. The threads aren’t joining up, they’re flying away. It will be dazzling to see. Certain big mysteries on this show are being answered. Every episode, something huge is falling into place, but it’s still a mystery.

Goodness gracious! (Links via Whitney Matheson.)