Carnival of souls

* Matt Maxwell asks, in essence, does that which is horror in micro become science fiction in macro? Really good question, Matt. Brainwave: Thinking about it with this in mind, I think what sticks with me about Cloverfield is that it goes macro but yet it still feels “horror” to me. Perhaps this is a specific feature of Lovecraftian horror?

* My wife showed me a clip from Human Centipede on YouTube and I was beyond disturbed. I can’t remember the last time I had that visceral a reaction to something that wasn’t one of my usual triggers, like growths or animal cruelty. Anyway, IFC will be distributing Human Centipede in the US.

* Jesus, look at this Jim Blanchard drawing of Ian Curtis. The larger version, available at the link, is now my desktop wallpaper. (Via Flog.)

* Today at Robot 6: New Iron Man armor and a shopper’s guide to the Fantagraphics New Year’s Hangover Sale.

* A short but sweet chat between Tom Spurgeon and Dan Nadel about Joan Reidy & Ron Rege Jr.’s flawless Boys.

* Marvel vs. the Kirbys, Phase Two.

2 Responses to Carnival of souls

  1. Sam says:

    I can’t really tell whether or not I want to watch The Human Centipede. There’s something about it that seems like it would be fascinating, but it sounds completely disgusting and repulsive. I guess I’ll have to wait and catch as many viewer reviews as possible.

  2. rev'D says:

    Anytime a director gets the green light for release and immediately starts talking sequels I scope out the exits.

    For ass-to-mouth moviemaking, I’ll stick with the PHANTASM & CRANK franchises, thanks.

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