Sometimes I despair

Sometimes Victor Davis Hanson despairs, too, mostly over the surfeit of homos and hip-hop and liberals and such sullying the beautiful pop-culture of our grandparents. But fortunately, sometimes Frank Miller shows up in his comment thread to cheer him up. Does that “he is the hero” Chandler quote get invoked? You bet your ass it does.

Utterly amazing. (via)

3 Responses to Sometimes I despair

  1. Chris Ward says:

    “when did rock and roll become so fucking boring?”

  2. Curt Purcell says:

    I think it’s hilarious that Hanson mentions liking Coldplay. I guess he’s never seen this (sorry, couldn’t find the straight-up original clip).

  3. Jim D. says:

    VDH’s post should’ve been titled “I Am An Old White Man, And I Hate Everything.”

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