Sean on a Wire

Should The Wire have been nominated for more than the paltry two Emmy nods it garnered during its five-season run? Of course. It was a really good show, and if it wasn’t among the top five dramas each year it ran then shit, I must be missing some pretty excellent dramas. And of course the acting was superb across the board. And Season Two! And Season Four!

But of course anytime anyone on the Internet says it was “by far the best show in the history of television” I have to jump in there and fight the wrongness.

(And that’s without even going into the notion that it’s not simply the best drama in the history of television (which, no), but the best show, inviting apples-to-oranges comparisons with everything from Meet the Press to Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Madness.)

6 Responses to Sean on a Wire

  1. Tom Spurgeon says:

    The best shows in television history are clearly:

    1. Al Alberts Showcase

    2. Monday Night Football

    3. The Muppet Show

    The Wire is #27, between OK Crackerby and St. Elsewhere.

  2. Matt M. says:

    THE MUPPET SHOW is clearly #1, Tom.

    But is THE WIRE better than the first season and a half of TWIN PEAKS? (Yes, I’ll start watching THE WIRE on DVD shortly, promise.)

  3. No. For that matter it’s not even better if you count the whole second season (which I like fine, personally, though it obviously drags for a while, but which I also feel objectively closes strong).

  4. Jim Treacher says:

    That’s what you get for reading Matt Yglesias.

    1. Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers

    2. Rubik, the Amazing Cube

    3. Tattletales

  5. Dan Coyle says:

    a) Season Five takes place in some sort of time warped newsroom that makes no sense at all.

    b) the series is porn for libertarians.

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