Carnival of souls

* Good news: Lord of the Rings screenwriters Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, and Philippa Boyens will be writing The Hobbit and its sequel/parallel/whatever “Film 2.” Bad news: Guillermo Del Toro is still directing them.

* Joe McCulloch reviews Mome Vol. 12–fortified with vitamins (David) B and K(illoffer).

* You can buy that Scott Pilgrim Colour Special online now.

* The final season of Battlestar Galactica will be preceded by webisodes. (Via Jason Adams.)

* If you’re up for hearing about a bunch of new characters who’ll be showing up on Lost next season, you can click here and here. I’m gonna try staying spoiler-free for now. (Via The Tail Section.)

* Some people are saying nice things about my writing, which I appreciate. Here’s Marc-Oliver Frisch and here’s The Inkwell Blog.

* Finally (via Topless Robot), this is horrible and hilarious: the final terrifying moments in the life of a Goomba.

2 Responses to Carnival of souls

  1. Rickey Purdin says:

    Went to a party at Kiel’s a couple weekends back and had just seen on eBay that the Colour Special was going for, like, $150! It was the topic of drunken debate for about a minute and a half.

  2. Yeah, Bryan O. says in that blog entry that that’s why Oni’s making it available on their website now.

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