Carnival of souls

* Finished The Wire!

* This is truly one of the strangest stories I’ve ever heard: A woman sat on her boyfriend’s toilet, ostensibly of her own volition, for two years. She’d been there so long her skin had grown around the seat and a hospital had to remove it. Shades of everything from Secretary to Se7en.

* AICN reports that Sylvester Stallone is considering a fifth Rambo movie, one that would abandon the usual war/action territory for another, unspecified genre. Like AICN’s Merrick, I think the fourth film in the series took things in a very interesting emotional direction, and the potential for a different kind of Rambo movie is definitely there.

* Hey, it appears that Steven “The Horror Blog” Wintle has a new comics blog called I Was Ben!

* Finally, Ezra Klein compares Geraldine Ferraro’s recent comments about Barack Obama to Marvel’s What If? series. (Via Andrew Sullivan, who seems to be growing fonder of talking about Hillary Clinton in genre-nerd terms by the day.)