The trailer for Neil Marshall’s Doomsday is out. (Make sure to click on one of the hi-res quicktime links instead of watching the fuzzy streaming version.) Sadly, it’s not very good–over-narrated and edited for maximum blandness. However, you can dimly make out what looks to be a vastly more interesting and entertaining homage to John Carpenter than, say, Planet Terror, with the references to other ’80s post-apocalyptic classics like The Road Warrior, The Running Man, and even Aliens playing just as large a role as Escape from New York. Plus, Bob Hoskins and David O’Hara (the guy who played Frank Costello’s least-comprehensible Irish thug in The Departed). I’ll be there, but they really need to do better with the next trailer. (Via SciFi Wire.)

5 Responses to KRAKKA-DOOM!

  1. Ian Brill says:

    That looked like the special kind of brilliant/stupid that I thought had died out in the 1980’s. I certainly did get an Escape from NY feel. I just love the idea that a colony of diseased civilians would be ruled by Malcolm McDowell and 1978-era punk rockers. Hey, it makes sense to me.

  2. Jim Treacher says:

    I think that’s Sean Pertwee as Wez… er, whatever that guy’s name is. He was in Dog Soldiers too. IMDb says Emma Cleasby’s in both movies too. She played the girl in Dog Soldiers. Oh yeah.

  3. Hurm. Everything looks so very very clean. Sure, looks like the action will deliver, but I dunno. Something makes me hesitate a bit.

    Bonus points for Malcom McDowell, though.

  4. Carnival of souls

    * With Lost Season Four mere minutes away, the L.A. Times’ Patrick Day lists 48 (mostly) unanswered questions from the preceding three seasons. (Via Whitney Matheson.) * Meanwhile Topless Robot’s Rob Bricken and John Frusciante (no relation, as far as…

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