Thumbs down

This week’s Horror Roundtable is about our least-favorite horror experience of 2007. There’s an obvious pun on that experience’s title I could make here but won’t.

4 Responses to Thumbs down

  1. Ken Lowery says:

    Sheesh. I find the torture porn thing reprehensible, and rather don’t think I’m lazy, uninformed, idiotic, or lacking in the proper diet of horror movies…

  2. Sean says:

    Yes, she’s pretty hostile about it. See what I did there???

  3. Thumb wrestling

    The other day I noted the absence of the lauded-to-the-heavens No Country for Old Men from many a year-end best-of list, a backlash seemingly in full effect. On a related note, There Will Be Blood tops a lot of them…

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