A fake Loch Ness Monster is better than no Loch Ness Monster at all

Courtesy of Loren Coleman comes this clip from Incident at Loch Ness, a mockumentary written, directed, and co-starring X-Men 2 and 3 screenwriter Zak Penn. Apparently the conceit is that Penn (co-starring as himself) dupes real-life documentarian Werner Herzog (again, co-starring as himself–!!!) into making a documentary about the Loch Ness Monster that Penn secretly plans to Hollywoodize with everything from a steamy love-story angle to an animatronic Loch Ness Monster in the water; the plan goes out the window when the real Nessie attacks the crew’s boat. None of this is particularly relevant to this clip, which pretty much nails the creepy frisson of seeing a large something emerge from the depths. The gravitas and verisimilitude lent to the clip by the presence of Herzog doesn’t hurt, either.