I Love Water Monsters: A Post in Three Parts

I Love Water Monsters Part One: Cryptomundo’s Loren Coleman passionately defends the existence of alligators in the NYC sewers, and tells a tale of two dueling New York Times pieces on the subject.

I Love Water Monsters Part Two: The Guardian reports on all sorts of crazy new species and phenomena (including a believed-extinct “Jurassic shrimp” and a crab so weird they had to invent a new biological family for it) being discovered in an oceanic “census” currently being conducted. (Hat tip: The Mystery of the Haunted Vampire.)

I Love Water Monsters Part Three: The BEASTS! Blog previews the upcoming art anthology from Fantagraphics, in which various luminaries from the altcomix and illustration worlds try their hand at depicting creatures of myth and legend from around the world. Needless to say, I really dug Tony Millionaire’s Leviathan:

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