Some monsters

The Horrorblog Update Page is already paying dividends–for me, at least. Here are a few of the dark delights I’ve found thus far:

Discovered today at Dr. Mysterian’s Essential Ghoul’s Record Shelf is this terrific analysis of Robin Hardy’s brilliant film The Wicker Man, all written by way of introducing an mp3 from the film’s Paul Giovanni soundtrack. And if it gets you to watch the movie (either again or–and I’m insanely jealous–for the first time), so much the better.

Next, courtesy of Exclamation Mark comes Empty World, a website dedicated to post-apocalyptic fiction. As you might have guessed, narratives of societal breakdown in the face of some cataclysmic disaster really toot my horn–my interest in zombies is really just an offshoot of the same fascination that leads me to dig The Road Warrior, The Stand, a lot of Stephen King’s short fiction–hell, even The Warriors has hints of it. A great idea for a site.

Not from the Update Page, but still horrifying: Courtesy of Wretchard comes Totalitarian Art, a website for a 1999 course at Northwestern University that among other relics of the fascists, Nazis, and Communists features this scale diagram of the statue of Lenin that was to have stood atop the Palace of the Soviets in Moscow:

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Tough for zombies to beat that.

Finally, another great idea for a site: Old Haunts, Keith Milford’s collection of old photos and art from Halloweens gone by.

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Boo! And remember, there’s more where all that came from…