Be kind to your four-legged friends

My friend Josiah lives in New Orleans. He’s hard enough to get in touch with even when he’s not in the middle of the worst national disaster in American history, and I certainly haven’t heard from him since Hurricane Katrina hit. But one of our college housemates managed to track down his parents, who relate that he is currently holed up in the veterinary hospital where his girlfriend works (worked?), alone with all the animals. I hope they are okay; I hope they can keep the animals comfortable and safe.

I’ve already donated to the Red Cross, and I’m sure most of you have done so through it or a similar organization. But please remember that thousands and thousands of animals, like the ones in Josiah’s veterinary hospital, have been killed or injured or left homeless, stranded, sick, or starving. Please consider donating (a little or a lot) to the hurricane relief funds of one of these organizations, dedicated to helping these most helpless of victims.

The Humane Society

The American Humane Association


I’ve already heard heartbreaking stories about pets left behind or washed away; perhaps your donation to one of these groups will give a new story a happy ending.

Many more relief donation links may be found here. Whatever you end up deciding to do, please do whatever you can.