
John Jakala writes in:

Is Milo being serious in his latest entries? I have a hard time telling how much of his writing is sincere vs. sarcastic [I’ve found many people have this problem with deciphering Milo–ed.], but I generally enjoy his writing most when I assume he’s being ironic. But “clueless Merkin douchebags”? I guess part of the problem is not knowing who he’s referring to (other than Parrish Baker, whose comments I grant were pretty lame, but I hardly think everyone’s arguments should be tarred with the same brush just because one blogger makes some crass, tasteless statement).

If he’s serious, I have several problems with his arguments/rhetoric. One, all the clueless douchebags were responding to Tim O’Neil’s terribly reductive arguments, not to your out-of-context TCJ excerpt. Two, the fact that Neilalien quoted something doesn’t mean that he approves of it. Three, yeah I can understand why those who have had more direct experiences with fascism would be troubled by things that remind them of those regimes, but that still doesn’t make superheroes essentially fascistic. Four, supercomics gave us Ray Tate and This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 22nd, 2004 at 12:00 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.